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Compensation Plan ensures that each member attains a multitude of income generation channels with unforeseen accessibility and inimitable efficiency. For this reason we bring to the ambit of our members a Compensation Success Plan that purveys four distinct yet bracketed forms of incomes. And as always it all begins with a small step.


Membership is begotten by the purchase of an AdStation for an amount of $100. The AdStation is called Main AdStation and the validity period of Main AdStation is for 44 weeks i.e. from the placement date of Main AdStation will remains active for 44 weeks, with each weeks’ average income being $6. This weekly income of $6 is not stagnant as would be revealed further.

Additional AdStation Earning

We must keep in mind that each Additional AdStation will cost $100, an amount that remains constant irrespective of the scenario. The validity period of an Additional AdStation is for 44 weeks.
Now the addition of a new AdStation increases the weekly incomes as follows:
Two AdStation - $7 Three AdStation - $8 Four AdStation - $9 Five AdStation - $10

Thus for a Member holding five AdStations the weekly income for each one of the AdStation is changed to $10. The following illustration describes the above mentioned scenario further.

AdStation Main AdStation Additional AdStation-1 Additional AdStation-2 Additional AdStation-3 Additional AdStation-4 Total AdStation Earning
Earning $6 $6 for 1 AdStation
Earning $7 $7 $14 for 2 AdStation
Earning $8 $8 $8 $24 for 3 AdStation
Earning $9 $9 $9 $9 $36 for 4 AdStation
Earning $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $50 for 5 AdStation

Referral Earning

As and when a Member refers another Member for taking Main AdStation or an Additional AdStation under his own sponsor id, the sponsor receives $10 as Referral AdStation Income. This process continues so on and so forth.

Binary Earnings 1:1

To qualify for the Binary Earnings it is mandatory for the Member to refer/sponsor minimum two members
for Main AdStation under his/her own Member ID i.e. one member Main AdStation at Left Hand Side (LHS) and second one at Right Hand Side (RHS).
The Members must strictly adhere to 1:1 ratio maintenance i.e. for binary earnings it is imperative to make AdStation pairs and arrange members at the LHS and RHS and similarly thereafter.
The power side of the Members AdStation will be carry forward for the next day and the daily capping of earning is $1000.
The binary income will start the day you qualify and you will be getting daily earnings as shown in below table:
LHS RHS Pair Earning
1 1 $10
2 2 $20
3 3 $30
4 4 $40
5 5 $50
6 6 $60
7 7 $70
8 8 $80
9 9 $90
10 10 $100
11 11 $110
12 12 $120
13 13 $130
14 14 $140
15 15 $150
16 16 $160
17 17 $170
18 18 $180
19 19 $190
20 20 $200
LHS RHS Pair Earning
21 21 $210
22 22 $220
23 23 $230
24 24 $240
25 25 $250
26 26 $260
27 27 $270
28 28 $280
29 29 $290
30 30 $300
31 31 $310
32 32 $320
33 33 $330
34 34 $340
35 35 $350
36 36 $360
37 37 $370
38 38 $380
39 39 $390
40 40 $400
LHS RHS Pair Earning
41 41 $410
42 42 $420
43 43 $430
44 44 $440
45 45 $450
46 46 $460
47 47 $470
48 48 $480
49 49 $490
50 50 $500
51 51 $510
52 52 $520
53 53 $530
54 54 $540
55 55 $550
56 56 $560
57 57 $570
58 58 $580
59 59 $590
60 60 $600
LHS RHS Pair Earning
61 61 $610
62 62 $620
63 63 $630
64 64 $640
65 65 $650
66 66 $660
67 67 $670
68 68 $680
69 69 $690
70 70 $700
71 71 $710
72 72 $720
73 73 $730
74 74 $740
75 75 $750
76 76 $760
77 77 $770
78 78 $780
79 79 $790
80 80 $800
LHS RHS Pair Earning
81 81 $810
82 82 $820
83 83 $830
84 84 $840
85 85 $850
86 86 $860
87 87 $870
88 88 $880
89 89 $890
90 90 $900
91 91 $910
92 92 $920
93 93 $930
94 94 $940
95 95 $950
96 96 $960
97 97 $970
98 98 $980
99 99 $990
100 100 $1000
Above shown pairs are AdStations

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